ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Submission via e-mail: abstract@dsl-conference.com or Online submission (see below on this page)
********************* ORAL PRESENTATION · INVITED TALK (30 minutes including questions) You are kindly advised to arrive at least 10 minutes before the session begins, to get acquainted with the location and meet the session chair and co-chair, and to upload your presentation. Remember to: Please note that there will be no translation during the sessions, so please prepare and deliver your presentation in English. On-site technical support will be provided to facilitate and coordinate the smooth delivery of all oral presentations. Please follow the guidelines below. Preparation of your presentation: The following file formats are supported: *.ppt, *.pps, *.pptx, *.ppsx, *.pdf. Videos: Make sure that you compress the video and embed it in the presentation if possible. It is best to check video functionality well ahead of your presentation. Note the day and time of your oral session presentation. Presentations must be prepared in English. Bring with you a copy of your presentation on a USB flash drive to the session room to be uploaded onto the computer provided for presentation, at the start of the session or during the break prior to your talk. |